
Graph-based static analysis of ECMAScript 6 source code repositories

View the Project on GitHub ftsrg/codemodel-rifle


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Graph-based static analysis of ECMAScript 6 source code repositories.

Getting started

Testing with the reactive driver

Clone the following repository and publish it to the local Maven repository:

You can use this script for convenience:


Testing with a server

To setup a Neo4j server, issue the following command:


Further configuration in DbServicesManager class will be required.


The documentation is available on the Codemodel-Rifle Wiki.

IDE support

The project is implemented in Java 8. We recommend Eclipse with the Buildship Gradle plug-in or IntelliJ IDEA for editing the code.


All code in this repository is available under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and is supported by the MTA-BME Lendület Research Group on Cyber-Physical Systems.