Static and dynamic verification techniques

Systems Engineering Laboratory 1

A good code should

  1. be syntactically correct,
  2. have a good quality (readable, reusable, maintainable, ...),
  3. be free of errors,
  4. adhere to the specification.

(1) can be enforced simply by a compiler. (2) can be improved by keeping to certain coding guidelines. (3-4) can be checked by for example by manual code review, automated static analysis or testing (dynamic). The main difference between static and dynamic verification techniques is that dynamic techniques execute the code under analysis, while static techniques only use the code as a static input.

To have an overview of the topic of this laboratory exercise, take a look at the lecture note from the previous semester from the Systems Engineering (VIMIAC01) course.

Static techniques

The purpose of static code analysis techniques is to improve the quality of code without executing it.

Coding guidelines

Coding guidelines usually consist of a set of rules that give recommendations on the style of code (e.g., formatting, naming, structure, ...) and on certain programming practices (constructs, architecture, ...). Coding guidelines can be


Using coding guidelines

Coding guidelines can be enforced in several ways. Many IDEs have some guidelines as their base functionality but external tools can also be used. It is important however, that they should be integrated tightly into the development workflow (e.g., checking the code after each commit). There are several tools (e.g., SonarQube, Coverity, ...) that can automatically check adherence to coding guidelines.

There are many coding guidelines and there is usually no absolute "best" one to pick. In many cases it is already determined by the industry, platform or organization. However, sometimes it is possible to decide on a guideline (e.g., when starting a new project). It is recommended to pick a guideline that is the most consistent with the current code base. Guidelines can also be combined, but it is not recommended to "reinvent the wheel" because it will make a hard time for new developers in the team.

Code review

Code review is the process of manually reading, checking and analyzing source code. Code review has different levels regarding its formality.

A formal code review usually consists of the following steps.

Code review is usually based on a structured checklist, which contains similar categories to coding guidelines (readability, maintainability, security, vulnerability, performance, common patterns, best practices, ...). There are several checklists available online, but it is recommended to automate the process as much as possible (e.g., formatting can be checked by an automatic tool).

There are also tools (GitHub pull request, Gerrit) that can support the code review process. These tools can usually attach comments and discussions to code lines or snippets and can integrate the review process as a step in the development workflow.

Static analysis

Static analysis is the analysis of software without execution. It is usually performed by automated tools, but code review (performed manually by humans) is sometimes also considered as static analysis.

Static analysis techniques usually belong to the following main categories.


The following examples are potential problems that FindBugs can detect.

SonarQube is a code quality management platform that supports more than 20 languages (including Java, C, C++, C#). It can check coding guidelines, duplicated code, test coverage, code complexity, potential bugs, vulnerabilities and can also calculate technical debt. It stores the data of its executions in a database making it possible to produce reports and evaluation graphs about the projects. It can be integrated with IDEs and CI tools as well.

Coverity is the static analyzer of the Synopsys suite, supporting many languages (including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript). It can detect dynamic properties as well such as resource leaks, null pointers, uninitialized data and concurrency issues.

Using static analysis tools efficiently

Static analysis tools should be integrated into the build process by for example performing the analysis before/after each commit, generating reports and sending potential problems in e-mails. These tools should be used from the start of a project otherwise they will find so many errors that developers will be discouraged from using them. An alternative solution is to configure the tools so that first they only find the most critical problems. Configuration can also be used to add new rules. The results of these tools however, should be treated carefully as false positives or negatives can occur. On one hand, if the tools do not find any problem, it may not mean a completely correct software (false positive). On the other hand, an error found may not cause a real failure (false negative). In the latter case the error (or the whole) rule can be suppressed, but it should always be indicated and explained in a comment.


The main advantage of static techniques is that they can analyze the software without execution. This is especially useful if the software is not yet in an executable state, no input is present or execution is expensive. Static techniques may find subtle errors that can be interesting even for experienced developers. Furthermore, the whole process can be in many cases fully automated and integrated into the development process.

Dynamic techniques -- unit testing

As it has been introduced in other lectures of previous semesters, software testing can performed on different levels during the development process. Starting from the system test, through the integration tests, one can also perform unit tests. This laboratory focuses on unit testing among the dynamic verification techniques.


The unit in general, is a logically well-separable part of the source code. In case of object-oriented software, this usually means a class or a small set of classes. For scripting languages, the unit is typically a module or a file. A unit usually has a well-defined interface in order to reach its features from outside. This is a crucial aspect for software testability.

The objective of unit testing is to detect and repair the defects found in the unit. This is the lowest level of testing (think about the V-model). Detecting bugs early in the development process may increase the quality of the implement system and might reduce the additional costs. Testing of a unit is usually performed isolated and individually. This has several benefits, including the followings.

A unit test tests a well-defined functionality or feature, and thus defines a behavioral contract for the unit under test.

Unit testing frameworks

Unit test frameworks are tools, which enables execution of existing unit tests in a fast, systematical way. There are many such tools (e.g., JUnit, xUnit, TestNG), however many IDEs contain a unit test framework as well (e.g., Eclipse, Visual Studio). These frameworks often have numerous features, yet the most basic and important ones are the following.

Example JUnit test case

public class ListTest {
    List list; // Reference to the unit

    // Initialization before all test cases
    @Before public void setUp(){
        list = new List(); // Instantiation of the unit

    @Test public void add_EmptyList_Success(){
        list.Add(1); // Invocation of the functionality under test
        assertEquals(1, list.getSize()); // Checking the results

JUnit annotations

The list below is only an excerpt, you can find many extended lists on the web, such as [this]

What is a good unit test?

The followings are guidelines worth considering.

Typical conventions


Unit testing usually comes along with a problem, namely the dependencies of the unit under test (e.g., other modules, file system, calls to network, etc.). These dependencies may affect the outcome of unit the tests, which must be avoided. In order to overcome this, two approaches are employed in general: 1) design for testability and 2) usage of test doubles. Test double is a common name for replacement object that can be used in the unit tests instead of the original ones. The most frequently used test doubles are the followings.

Isolation frameworks

Such tools are used to isolate the dependencies of the unit under test using special APIs. These APIs usually return a test double from an interface or a class description. Mockito, Rhino Mocks and TypeMock are three of the most frequently used isolation frameworks.

Example for using Mockito

public class PriceServiceTest {

    DataAccess mockDA;

    @Before public void init() {
        // creating a mock for the DataAccess class
        mockDA = mock(DataAccess.class);
        // injecting the mock into the unit under test
        ps = new PriceService(mockDA);

    @Test public void SuccessfulPriceQuery() {
        // Arrange
        // If getProdPrice is called with "A100", then it returns 50.

        // Act
        int p = ps.getPrice("A100");

        // Assert
        // Verifying that the mocked call has been invoked only once with argument "A100".
        verify(mockDA, times(1)).getProdPrice("A100");
